• Oops…

    Renting a semi-automatic motorbike and two helmets for a day: 10 dollars.

    myanmar fuel station

    A tank of low-octane gas: 3 dollars.

    accidental nazi

    Realizing an hour later that the helmet that came with the deal is actually a replica of a Nazi helmet: Bizarre.

    I seriously have no idea why, but a lot of people up here are riding around with these ridiculous things on their heads. World War II is certainly very well known here – we rode across an old Japanese airfield that sits in the middle of the town today. Perhaps the helmets are just the cheapest things around? One thing’s for sure: don’t bet on seeing me wearing Nazi insignia on this blog any time soon again.

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    This entry was posted on Thursday, February 11th, 2010 at 4:38 am and is filed under Myanmar (Burma). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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