• Seat of Our Travel Plans

    While we’re chipping away at our projects here on eastern Flores, our medium term travel plans are beginning to crystallize.




    The immediate future sees us flying to Bali on the 7th, where we’re set to spend three days. At the moment, Bali is chock full of tourists, but we’re hoping to make the best of our little stay there. We’d be happy if we can see a couple of temples and take in a performance or two.


    After Bali, we have a three day stop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This will be the third time on this trip that we’ve touched base with KL. Bangkok used to be the main travel hub in South East Asia, but evidence points to KL being the number one these days. Good for us: we happen to like it – it has all the modern conveniences, and we plan to re-stock on a bunch of travel supplies while we’re there. Oh and they have great sushi and high speed internet!




    After that, we’re off to India. We’re flying in to Delhi, but we’ll only stay there for a night before we hop on the next flight. Our destination is Leh, far up in the northern province of Ladakh: the Tibetan part of India. Once up there, we hope to do some trekking, but as we’re going there at the end of the season we’ll be pretty weather dependent. Altitude acclimatization will also be a factor: Leh sits at more than 3000 meters (9000 ft).


    Looking further ahead we hope to make our way southwards from Ladakh through Himachal Pradesh, Uttarkhand and maybe Punjab and Bihar. After that, the picture is muddier, but Nepal is definitely in our sights.


    We’ll report back here as soon as we know more!


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    This entry was posted on Thursday, September 3rd, 2009 at 8:07 pm and is filed under Notes From the Road. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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